Dr. Mindy Pelz

Ageless Keto for Women

Weight-loss based on Hormones


WOMEN have different needs when it comes to weight loss. We have tried and tried and tried again... all the different diets. We have been on a constant yo-yo circle and brought shame to ourselves. We have lost time with our families we have hidden from family pictures, and it is time to change the cycle. You are in the right place!  

We will teach you how to eat around your hormones. From cycling women, to our menopause sisters, we will teach you how your body works and when you need more carbs and when to bring in Intermittent fasting. Be ready for your life to change forever!

Are you ready to enroll?

It is simple. Simply choose the package that best suits your needs! We have a 3 month, 6 month and a 12 month package available.


Here are the packages to choose from ...


How much Healing will your body require?

Everyone is different. Everyone comes to the program with different needs. All of the programs will teach you HOW to eat based on your hormones, the question is how long do you need to heal? How long have you been sick.



This beginning program is designed for women who want to learn how to get their hormones aligned and have minor healing to do.

  • Weekly Lessons
  • Daily food tracking
  • 4 coaching check ins
  • Multi Therapeutic Approach Report (MTA)
  • Group Coaching



More healing needed. This program is designed for deeper health issues and deep healing. Your coach will take you through 6 months of tracking your cycle and eating based on your hormones.

  • All of the previous package
  • 7 coaching check ins
  • Unlimited Coach Connection


This ultimate plan is no joke. The intensity of the 12 month plan is for those who want to see complete healing and weight loss accomplished with the help of a coach.

  • All of the above
  • 13 coaching check ins
  • Unlimited Coach Connection

Empower Your Weight Loss Journey

With Keto Diet for Women 

The journey of weight loss, especially for women, can feel like a never-ending battle with the scale. But what if the solution wasn't about fighting your body, but rather understanding and working with it? Our Ageless Keto program, a tailor-made solution, is designed with the unique hormonal makeup of women in mind. 

Discovering Strength in Hormonal Balance With Ageless Keto Weight Loss For Women 

The Ageless Keto program for weight loss isn't just another diet but a lifestyle transformation that acknowledges the intricate dance of hormones in a woman's body. With a focus on Cycle-Based Nutrition Mastery, the program educates you on how to align your eating habits with your menstrual cycle for optimal weight loss. Imagine knowing exactly what to eat and when to support your weight loss goals and nourish your body precisely when it needs it the most. 

Keto Diet for Women Is More Than Just Weight Loss 

It's about more than just shedding pounds—it's about creating a sustainable, healthy lifestyle. With Ageless Keto, you embark on a 12-week journey of discovery and transformation. You'll receive personalized guidance through one-on-one coaching sessions tailored to your unique needs and goals. These sessions are your roadmap to understanding your body's signals, mastering your nutrition, and overcoming the obstacles that have held you back. 

Why Ageless Keto? 

Ageless Keto journey is about transforming your life from the inside out. Here's what sets this keto diet for women's weight loss apart and why it could be the turning point in your health and wellness journey:

Cycle-Based Nutrition Mastery 

Embrace the pioneering approach of syncing your diet with your menstrual cycle for enhanced weight loss and improved overall health. You'll learn how to adapt your eating patterns to support your body's needs at different times of the month, turning what may have felt like a challenge into one of your greatest assets for achieving your health goals. 

Personalized Guidance and Support 

Imagine having a coach who not only understands the science behind weight loss but also gets the emotional journey you're on. With Ageless Keto, you benefit from 12 one-on-one coaching sessions that offer deep dives into personalized nutrition planning and macro recommendations. These sessions are tailored to your individual circumstances, including your lifestyle, preferences, and specific challenges. 

Community and Connection 

Join an empowering and supportive community of like-minded women who are all on the same path toward better health and wellness. This network offers a space for sharing successes, challenges, and everything in between. This sense of belonging and shared purpose is invaluable, providing motivation and accountability that can make all the difference in your journey. 

Holistic Approach to Wellness 

Ageless Keto encompasses your mental, emotional, and spiritual health, too. This holistic approach encourages you to look at your relationship with food, your body, and your overall well-being from a broader perspective. 

Sustainable Lifestyle Changes 

This program is designed not just for the short term but for sustainable, long-lasting transformation. Ageless Keto equips you with the skills and habits needed to maintain your achievements and progress toward your ultimate health goals. 

Embracing Body Positivity 

This program challenges you to shift your focus from merely losing weight to embracing a healthier, more joyful way of living. It's about celebrating what your body can do and treating it with the kindness and respect it deserves. 

Ready to Begin Your Keto Diet For Women? 

Your journey to a healthier you begins with a simple decision to try something new. With Ageless Keto, you're not just embarking on a diet but a transformational experience that respects your body's natural rhythms and guides you toward lasting wellness. Isn't it time to embrace a solution that understands women's unique challenges in weight loss and offers a path to success? Consider the keto diet for women's weight loss today and discover the power of hormonal harmony in achieving your weight loss goals.

Ageless Keto: Tailored 12 Week Program.

Discover a transformative 12-week journey with Ageless Keto, designed exclusively for women. Learn how to harness the power of your menstrual cycles, incorporating hormone feeding days and low carb cycles for effective weight management

Cycle-Based Nutrition Mastery

Unlock the secrets of cycle-synced eating through our program. Gain insight into hormone fluctuations and optimize your nutrition with tailored hormone feeding days, low carb days, and intermittent fasting strategies, ranging from 24 to 5-day fasts.

Personalized Guidance and Support

Experience the benefits of 12 personalized one-on-one coaching sessions, empowering you with expert guidance, strategy, and personalized macros. Our program is designed to help you achieve sustainable results by aligning your diet with your unique needs.

Community and Connection

Join a supportive community of like-minded women embarking on the Ageless Keto journey together. Share experiences, challenges, and successes in a group setting, fostering camaraderie and motivation throughout your transformation.

Holistic Approach to Wellness

Our body, mind and spirit are interconnected. Ageless Keto goes way beyond weight loss, offering a holistic approach to wellness. Learn to balance nutrition, hormonal harmony, and self-care, providing you with a healthier relationship with food, your body, and your cycles.

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