I lost 120 pounds, found a new life, and now I give my life to help others do the same thing so they NEVER have to diet again!

Let's talk about your path to FREEDOM...

  • Individual One-on-One: Clients will meet with me once a week for private accountability and a an individual health plan.
  • Hybrid-Fusion Coaching: There's something magical that happens in Fusion Coaching. Clients get both personal accountability sessions as well as community coaching.
  • Weight Loss for WOMEN: This program is specifically for women who are frustrated with their weight gain and retention. This 3 month intense program is designed to work with hormone cycles and menopause.
  • Specialized Coaching: I offer two amazing specialized coaching programs. Food Addiction and Metabolic re-build and reverse dieting. These programs go beyond weight loss and look at the reality of food addiction and science based weight loss. *Both of these programs have an application process, as compliance is mandatory.

Join my FREE Facebook Food Addiction Recovery Group


Coach, I'm not sure where to start!

Don't worry my friend, you are not alone. One of my passions is making sure my clients are in the right program. There is nothing worse than joining a coaching session and finding out you are in the wrong program for your particular need. No single client is alike. Everyone comes into the program with a different personality and need. So here is where you start.

Coaching Packages

These packages are where you want to begin. This is the foundation of KM Health Coaching. From individual, one-on-one coaching for a minimum of eight weeks to the ULTIMATE Health and Wellness Package.

All KM Health Coaches have these packages available.



If you are new to the health journey, this is a great starter package. We will bring you from zero to Keto in just 8 weeks. With this package you will have two personal check-in calls to use at your discretion. You will also be able to renew this package at a discounted price.

  • Food Freedom Online Signature Program
  • Daily Food Tracking
  • Weekly check-in phone call with Coach
  • Wellness Tool Kit
  • Metabolic Build and Reverse diet w Maintenance

$799.00 *signature program

Sign up

Three Month Coaching

The three month plan is our most successful plan we offer because we are able to meet with you on a weekly basis and get you through those tough times of wanting to quit. Twelve individual coaching sessions with Coach Monica.

  • Food Freedom Online Signature Program
  • Daily Food Tracking
  • Weekly check-in phone call with Coach
  • Food Freedom Group Support
  • Wellness Tool Kit
  • Metabolic Build and Reverse diet w Maintenance

$1325.00 *most successful

ULTIMATE Health Package

This VIP 12 month package is for those people who want to take their journey to completion. We will take you through several rounds of the metabolic build and finish you up with a reverse diet to make sure you never diet again!

  • 12 Months of direct unlimited access to Coach!
  • Forty-eight 30 minute accountability coaching sessions
  • Daily Food Tracking
  • Food Freedom Group Support
  • Weekly Community Coaching Sessions
  • Atomic Habits Course
  • 21 day Intermittent fasting course
  • Four monitored planned maintenance breaks
  • Four Metabolic Builds
  • Maintenance and Reverse Diet Exit
  • Keto for Kids


Weight Loss "FUSION"

Your 12 week Hybrid transformation program offers personalized coaching, community support, and access to our exclusive online signature program. This is a one-on-one AND community coaching service. With three 1:1 coaching sessions, weekly community coaching, and affordable pricing, we empower you to succeed. Join us today and transform your body and life!

  • Food Freedom Online Signature Program
  • Three One-on-One Coaching Sessions
  • Weekly Community Coaching Sessions
  • Daily Food Tracking
  • Food Freedom Group Support
  • Wellness Tool Kit
  • Metabolic Build and Reverse diet w Maintenance
  • More information HERE



Transformative Weight Loss for Women!

12-Week Keto & Hormone Cycling Weight Loss Program

This program is for you if you have taken Food Freedom (3 months) and if you are tired of not being able to get rid of the extra body fat that comes with hormones, perimenopause, and menopause. This program is designed exclusively for women, combining the effectiveness of the Ketogenic diet with hormone cycling foods and intermittent fasting to help you achieve your health and fitness goals. 

  • Age-less Keto weekly lessons
  • Personalized macros and meal plans
  • Daily Food Tracking
  • Weekly check-in phone call with Coach
  • Hormone Feeding and Cycling
  • Food Freedom Group support
  • Wellness Tool Kit
  • Metabolic Build and Reverse diet w Maintenance


 FREE Assessment

Find hope in GROUPS

A weekly group support membership may be exactly what you need to take control of your life. We meet online each Monday. Evenings and afternoon sessions available.


*cancel at any time

Questions to ask yourself before you choose a package:

How much accountability do I truly need?

Is it weight loss or addiction coaching?

Have I crashed my metabolism and stalled the scale?

What is my success rate in the past dieting by myself?

If you are worried about financing... don't!

We've made an easy installment payment plan option!

*discount for one time payments.

Specialized Coaching

Not all plans work for sustainable weight loss. Some people can do it, while others may have more serious metabolic issues or food addiction, These folks need a deeper dive and treatment to be successful. These two programs will launch Summer/Fall of 2022. I am accepting applications and a wait list.

Food Addiction & Recovery

Food Addiction is real.

Until we get serious and realize weight-loss doesn't happen in a pre-made diet box or the gym... it happens by healing the brain, we will go around and around on a diet circle. Coach Monica is now taking clients for all three Food Addiction programs!

  • Food Addiction Screening
  • Sugar Screening
  • Addiction Treatment
  • Nutrition Plan


Metabolic Re-build & Reverse Diet

This four month program is designed for those who have tried every diet in the book and failed. It is for those who have stalled the scale and are on a crash starvation diet. It's for those who are ready to tackle weight loss in a Science based way. We begin by re building the broken metabolism and finalize by the reverse diet.

  • Daily workouts
  • Bi Monthly check-ins
  • Metabolic Rebuild
  • Reverse diet and Maintenance plan


Comprehensive SUGAR© Screening

This package consists of the 60-90 minute SUGAR© Assessment and diagnostic interview. This involves completing a detailed health/history questionnaire, an in person zoom interview, with a follow up 45-60 Minute Diagnosis meeting with a detailed summary with next step recommendations.

Cost: $150 (applied to the intervention program that will be ready in January after our consultation)

This assessment is required prior to all interventional addiction programs.

This is for those who...

  • Are only interested in finding out if they are a sugar addict.
  • Are not yet ready to commit to the comprehensive treatment plan. 
  • Can't afford the full plan but want the diagnosis to start the path off in the right direction. 

Coach Monica's Story.

Coach Monica lost over 100 pounds living the Ketogenic Lifestyle. She found hope again after stroke level blood pressure, debilitating depression, and obesity. 

Monica found a passion to help others find hope as she did. She's now seen her clients lose over 10,000 lbs during her coaching career!

She wants you to know, there is HOPE. 

Monica teaches "Real Life" Keto. She believes that it's time we stop the diet cycle for good. Diets don't work. Her mission is to watch her clients fall in love with the way they feel and like her, adopt this lifestyle... .FOR LIFE!!

Your Personal Weight Loss Guide: Achieve a New You with Coach Monica 

Imagine finding someone who has not only walked in your shoes but has also successfully traveled the challenging path of weight loss. That's Coach Monica for you—a transformational figure who turned her life around by shedding 120 pounds and now dedicates her life to guiding others toward achieving their health and weight loss goals. With Coach Monica, a personal weight loss coach, your journey to weight loss is not just a path but a life-changing adventure. 

Your Certified Weight Loss Coach

Why trust your health to anyone less than a certified professional? Coach Monica is not just any weight loss coach—she's a certified expert who has been in your place. Her personal journey from struggling with weight to achieving a healthier, more vibrant self equips her with the unique ability to understand your needs deeply. This understanding forms the foundation of her coaching methods, which are designed to offer you not just a diet plan but a complete lifestyle transformation. 

Discover a Custom Approach Just for You 

One size does not fit all, especially when it comes to health and weight loss. This is why Coach Monica offers a variety of coaching programs, each tailored to meet the specific needs and challenges you face. 

Individual One-on-One Coaching - Enjoy private sessions that focus on personal accountability and a health plan crafted just for you. 

Hybrid-Fusion Coaching - Benefit from a combination of personal and community coaching for a support system like no other.

Weight Loss for Women - Tackle weight gain issues with a program designed to address hormone cycles and menopause. 

Specialized Coaching - Overcome food addiction and rebuild your metabolism through targeted programs that demand compliance and commitment.


For those over 40, the "Age-less Keto for Women" program offers a specialized approach to weight loss, integrating ketogenic dieting with hormone cycling. 

Choose Your Path with an Online Weight Loss Coach 

No matter where you are, Coach Monica can reach you. As your online weight loss coach, she brings her wealth of knowledge and support directly to you, making your journey towards health and wellness as convenient as it is transformative. Whether you're starting with a beginner's program or ready to commit to a 12-month health overhaul, Coach Monica tailors her online coaching to fit your lifestyle and preferences. 

The Empowerment of One-on-One Weight Loss Coaching 

There's something incredibly powerful about receiving undivided attention and support from someone who truly cares. Coach Monica's one-on-one coaching sessions offer just that—a personalized, focused approach to help you set, pursue, and achieve your weight loss goals. Through these sessions, you'll gain not only a personalized health plan but also a deeper understanding of your body, your needs, and how to sustainably manage your weight. 

Your Partner in Sustainable Lifestyle Change 

What sets Coach Monica apart is her unwavering commitment to helping you achieve lasting changes. Beyond just weight loss, this certified coach focuses on empowering you to make sustainable lifestyle adjustments that pave the way for a healthier future. With Coach Monica, you're not embarking on a temporary diet but beginning a journey toward long-term wellness and happiness. 

Ready to Transform Your Life? 

If you're tired of the endless cycle of dieting and looking for a true transformation, Coach Monica is ready to guide you. With her personal experience, professional certification, and a heart dedicated to helping others, she's more than a coach—she's your partner in reclaiming the life you deserve. 

Embark on this journey towards a happier you with Coach Monica—certified weight loss coach, where empowerment, personalized care, and sustainable lifestyle changes lead the way to your success.